December Ledges Winter Series Horse Shows Recap
We had a great time at the Ledges Winter Series that last couple weeks held by Showplace Productions at Ledges Sporting Horses in Roscoe, Illinois.
During the professional classes week one, Cazzuta, a four year old by the stallion Cabardino made her debut in the Pregreen Division and came home Champion and was second in the Pregreen Incentive Class. Guidam Grans, owned by Talking Horse, Inc. was Champion in the Training Jumpers. Frontier owned by Lauren Robishaw was Reserve Champion in the Non Thoroughbred Hunter division, winning two of the over fence classes. The week was off to a great start, and when the clients arrived on the weekend, it only got better from there. Incendio and Sarah Lanphere made their debut in the High Children's Jumper Division and won the $1,500 WIHS High Child and Adult Classic. Adeline Rohrbach and her new mount, Rodrigo's Bianca made their debut in the Low Junior/ AO Jumpers and threw down clear rounds across the board. Adeline and her other mare, Rodrigo's Bettina threw down two clear round and good ribbons in the High Child and Adult Jumper Division. Lauren Robishaw and her newest horse, Bon Vivant made their debut in the Modified Adult Hunters on Sunday and came home in the top 3 in all of their classes. Lauren and her other horse, Frontier also had a successful showing in the Amateur Adult Hunters. Alexa Paprosky and Vox moved back into the Amateur Adult Hunter ring, with a very successful tour. In the second class, they scored an 82. Charlotte Garrett and her mare Guidam Grans, owned by Talking Horse, Inc. are just beginning their career with their second horse show ever, and had two clean rounds earning them good ribbons in the Modified Children's Division. Aidan Madan and his pony Little Miss Sunshine competed in their first horse show ever! They came home Reserve Champion in the Short Stirrup Hunter Division as well as the Short Stirrup Equitation Division. They also won two of their classes. My favorite moment was when his mother texted me and told me that Aidan said it was the best day of his life.
We are happy to report that week 2 of the December Ledges shows, went very much like the first. During the professional classes, Guidam Grans, owned by Talking Horse, Inc. was Champion for the second week in a row in the Training Jumper Division. Bon Vivant, owned by Lauren Robishaw was Champion in the 3'6" Performance Hunters. Frontier, also owned by Lauren Robishaw was Reserve Champion in the Non Thoroughbred Hunter division as well for the second week in a row.
As the weekend continued, Katie Hochschild and her horse Sailor's Delight won the ASPCA MaClay for the first time! They also performed well all weekend in the Junior Hunter Division, earning many tricolored ribbons. Lauren Robishaw and Frontier had another successful showing in the Amateur Adult Hunters earning tricolored ribbons as well. Lauren Robishaw and her newest horse Bon Vivant, completed their first division together and ended up Reserve Champion. Charlotte Garrett and Guidam Grans really got into the swing of things this week as well, earning their first tricolored ribbons. Adeline Rohrbach had clear rounds across the board on her mares Rodrigo's Bianca and Rodrigo's Bettina. On Sunday, Adeline and Rodrigo's Bianca played Junior Hunter and received many good prizes. Not to shabby, for a jumper braided up as a hunter just to get in some extra practice.
Overall, we could not be happier for our first two weeks of the 2015 show season. During the last two weeks, many of our riders moved up or showed their horses for the first time, with nothing but success. We are happy to report, two successful shows with happy horses and happy clients. Now we are back to training and practicing until the second week of January. Stay tuned for more updates on our show team and contact the office to find out more details about how to get involved.